
Canon Beach in April

After many long months of...well...being lazy, I am finally posting some pictures. We haven't been doing much anyway--mostly working around the house, frantically trying to finish up before Baby Girl Toader arrives. But a few weekends ago we managed to sneak in a trip to the beach. We had a beautiful, warm day (except for the ever-present breeze). Seth just loved running on the sand, and occasionally dipping his feet in the water.

When Seth got tired, he got a free ride from Dad. I could've used one too!

Checking out the muscles.

Seeing his first starfish.

1 comment:

GIEJ Long said...

Toate pozele sunt super!!! eth e mortal cum merge asa serios pe plaja. E asa de scump, ca te inteleg perfect cand zici ca nu mai poti dupa el. Asa o frumusete de baiat, cred si eu ca iti topeste inima. Stai sa vezi cand o incepe sa topeasca inimile fetelor mai tarziu. :-)