We celebrated Seth's birthday, which is on January 25, with our extended family.
Seth had a wonderful cake made by Cornelia, and his very first candle to blow out.
Seth seemed to be very excited with the prospect of making a wish, blowing the candle, and sinking his tiny fingers into the whipped cream.
I think he also really liked all the attention he got.
Did you make a wish?
Here we go! (He needed a little help from Mommy)
Good job!
Now it was time for the messy part. He is such a good little boy that he wasn't sure about digging his hands into the food.
But he soon got the hand of it and thought it was a blast.
Time for presents
He got lots of neat things like books, bibs, a jacket and some books!
We had some food...
And a good time chatting.
Joey was content with playing the guitar.
Tommy showing off to the camera.
Sweet Maddy.
Rachel and Hannah chatting.
Unchiul Mihai
Mommy and her little munchkin.
What do I need toys for? I've got grandpa's keys!
Lelia Mann--soon to have a little boy of her own.
Two (matching) Lelias
Cornelia and little Seth
At the end of a busy day, full of friends and fun and presents...
little one-year-old Seth was a bit tuckered out.
1 comment:
Super super nice pictures! La multli ani, Seth! Ai avut o zi minunata de nastere si ne bucuram sa vedem ce baiat mare, vesel si furmos te-ai facut. Am auzit ca pe deasupra esti si foarte cuminte.Bravo!!! Surioara ta va avea nevoie de un fratior responsabil, desigur. Va pupam pe toti cu drag si muuuuult dor,
Raul, Alex, Ligia si Cosmin
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