On Saturday, June 13th, at 12:30 pm, our family was blessed with the addition of a precious little girl, Emma. She was 6lb 13oz, 19in long. The labor went very well, although it was a bit long (12 hours). We had a wonderful time of bonding when she was born.
Weighing it at 3.1 kg.
Foot prints.
Her first bath.
All snug in Mom's arms.
A little later that day, Emma had quite a few visitors.
Uncle Simon.
Justin and Aniela.
Lelia Mann and her family.
And, of course, big brother Seth!
Seth wasn't too impressed. I don't think he realizes that this baby is here to stay. We'll see how he does at home with her. So far, he's been very curious at this crying bundle.
Our little growing family.
Congratulations! We are so happy for you... And I loved the slide show- soo precious!
Congrats! let us know when you return to CO for a visit! -Dan
Oh my... she's so precious Lelia. Congratulations on your new blessing!
We're waiting for our new one to come at the end of the year or the beginning of the next year. Tomorrow I have my doctor's appointment.
CONGRATULATIONS again and may God bless you all.
Just an update on Ethan: he's doing very well with the piano and he had his 1st recital where he was the smallest of all the students over there and he did great. the teacher is very impressed of his skills and how fast he learns everything he teaches him, and we are very proud of him too. He misses you though because he mentions your name once in a while.
From Holbura family.
Oh, I looked and now I'm jealous. Your family is awesome. I'm so happy for you two.
Your little Emma is so precious, I have to get used to you being parents of a little girl too :-)
Too bad we are not closer, to be among the first visitors, but we'll surely come some time soon to see her. Though I see that living far from each other means that even phonecalls reach harder, hi hi hi.
Can't wait to see your family of FOUR! In the meantime, please keep us posted with pictures and news.
Bine ai venit, Emma!!! Ce surpriza frumoasa sa te vedem. Din pacate noi ajungem mai rar pe internet si vestile ajung mai greu pe la noi. Ne pare rau ca nu suntem acolo sa te imbratisam. Acum familia voastra arata foarte...echilibrata. Va sta atat de bine!!! Si inca ceva: ai un nume fff frumos. Te pupam cu totii,
Raul, Alex, Ligia si Cosmin
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