I am enjoying this stage in Seth's development so much that I beg him every day not to grow up so fast. Ever since he turned one, he started "talking" his adorable baby talk--I can't get enough of it. He will come around the corner with a serious look on his face, walk up to me and tell me something very important. I will nod my head and say "of course!" and, satisfied, he will turn around and go back to his activities. Or I will be working around the house and suddenly realize that Seth isn't around. A bit worried, I start searching the rooms one by one only to find him contently sitting in his room with a book on his lap, patiently turning the pages and studying the pictures.
One of his favorite things to do is to close doors, as funny as that sounds. If I leave a cabinet door open (or is he opens it himself), he won't leave until he closes it. Same goes for the dishwasher, the washer and dryer and the front door. A couple of months ago he even mastered the sliding door, which requires a few more muscles. Another favorite activity is the laundry. He has always been fascinated with our futuristic washer and dryer, but he is now (for a couple of months) helping me do the laundry by taking clothes out of the washer, putting them in the dryer, putting the fabric softener in, closing the door and turning the dryer on. He is so proud of himself when he sees the clothes tumbling inside, and he knows he did it himself!
He is also starting to play differently with his toys. We bought him some mega blocks and other "building" toys, and I can see a problem-solving mind at work already. He tries to put together the blocks, fit them in all different ways, and when he's done, of course, he puts them away (with a bit of help from Mom).
I am constantly amazed at how much he understands. I have been talking to him just a bit above his level, assuming he probably won't understand most of it, but one day (a few months ago) I said, not expecting a reaction: Seth, go find your shoes and bring them to me. We were at someone else's house, but he went in the other room, grabbed both shoes and handed them to me. My mouth dropped open! Now he can understand many of the things I ask him to do, and he does them so obediently. He is such a good little boy--I consider myself very blessed.
Here are some of the things he can do now:

He can ask for milk in sign language, and even say : "mich, mich"
Yesterday he also learned to say "please" and "thank you" in sign. He is catching on so quickly!

He can also sign for juice, and say "jish, jish"
With another baby on the way, I am eager to teach him how to feed himself.

Sometimes it gets a bit messy, so he cleans it up with a napkin.

Thankfully, he is getting two new teeth on top, for a grand total of four. But what is so exciting is that he can now bite! (food, that is)

He loves to close drawers and doors.

Here he's showing off his muscles with the dishwasher door.

The task wouldn't be complete without actually turning on the dishwasher.

Giving Mommy five after a job well done.

He also helps with laundry:

Seth loves pointing.

Sometimes he just points around the room aimlessly. But when he sees something he likes, he says : "look!". His favorite thing to stare at (and turn on by himself)
is the fan in the living room.

When I ask him: where's your belly button, he lifts up his shirt and tries to find it--of course that's a bit tricky when you have a belly his size.
He can also find "urechia, nasul, gura..."

"let's see, what am I supposed to do here?"

Cleaning up after he is done playing.

He LOVES sitting on this little stool. It's the perfect size. One time I had to use it to reach something high, and he came to pull me off of it. When I got off, he quickly took it to his room and sat on it as upon a throne.

He loves sitting in his room, reading his books. The only thing that will capture his attention more is the computer. He will sit in front of it and actually move and click the mouse, and type, for hours. Sometimes I come back and find all sorts of windows open, and settings changed.

Putting his books away.

Trying to put on his "gocks". This was one of his first words.
His very first word was "Daddy". When he sees Adrian walking through the door, he runs to him with a huge smile on his face saying "Daddy!", and as soon as he's picked up, he points to where he wants to go. Daddy and he run there together at top speed.
He can ask for milk in sign language, and even say : "mich, mich"
Yesterday he also learned to say "please" and "thank you" in sign. He is catching on so quickly!
He can also sign for juice, and say "jish, jish"
With another baby on the way, I am eager to teach him how to feed himself.
Sometimes it gets a bit messy, so he cleans it up with a napkin.
Thankfully, he is getting two new teeth on top, for a grand total of four. But what is so exciting is that he can now bite! (food, that is)
He loves to close drawers and doors.
Here he's showing off his muscles with the dishwasher door.
The task wouldn't be complete without actually turning on the dishwasher.
Giving Mommy five after a job well done.
He also helps with laundry:
Seth loves pointing.
Sometimes he just points around the room aimlessly. But when he sees something he likes, he says : "look!". His favorite thing to stare at (and turn on by himself)
is the fan in the living room.
When I ask him: where's your belly button, he lifts up his shirt and tries to find it--of course that's a bit tricky when you have a belly his size.
He can also find "urechia, nasul, gura..."
"let's see, what am I supposed to do here?"
Cleaning up after he is done playing.
He LOVES sitting on this little stool. It's the perfect size. One time I had to use it to reach something high, and he came to pull me off of it. When I got off, he quickly took it to his room and sat on it as upon a throne.
He loves sitting in his room, reading his books. The only thing that will capture his attention more is the computer. He will sit in front of it and actually move and click the mouse, and type, for hours. Sometimes I come back and find all sorts of windows open, and settings changed.
Putting his books away.
Trying to put on his "gocks". This was one of his first words.
His very first word was "Daddy". When he sees Adrian walking through the door, he runs to him with a huge smile on his face saying "Daddy!", and as soon as he's picked up, he points to where he wants to go. Daddy and he run there together at top speed.
I hope you don't think I'm bragging. Like I said before, I just want to record these things, more for myself than anything, before they pass and I forget. This is such an exciting time for Seth, and for me, as he's discovering his world and interacting with it more and more.
My favorite, latest development is his learning how to give kisses. I must ask him every five minutes to give me one of his cute, wet little kisses. And, of course, I can't give him enough of them back.
My favorite, latest development is his learning how to give kisses. I must ask him every five minutes to give me one of his cute, wet little kisses. And, of course, I can't give him enough of them back.
Ce bine ca ti-ai facut timp sa scrii aceste lucruri, ca in curand nu o sa mai ai timp nici atat, din contra, nu o sa mai ai nici nopti intregi...
M-am bucurat de fiecare detaliu pe care l-ai scris, si te inteleg asa de bine, ca parca citeam despre Jonathan de multe ori. Ce frumos ca sunt de varsta apropiata, sper sa fie si buni prieteni mai tarziu.
Nu pot sa cred ce mare s-a facut, si acum cu noua tunsoare, il face si mai matur. Nu mai am rabdare sa il vad, dar se pare ca va fi cand o sa-i vina si surioara, ca si-asa nu mai e mult. Sper ca te simti bine si ca e sanatoasa fetita.
I never thought I would agree with this opinion, but I’m starting to see things differently.
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