
Starting solids?!

Yes, our little boy is starting solids. I am getting nostalgic at the thought--where have those days gone when he was a newborn that barely fit in my arms? Ok, ok, there's no reason to get nostalgic yet, I admit, but he is growing faster than I would like. On the other hand it is so terribly exciting when he takes a "baby step" forward (no real steps yet, don't worry).
He is such a good baby that eating solids out of a spoon seems totally natural to him. He didn't cringe, he didn't push away, he just opened his mouth, grabbed my hands and pulled the spoon into his mouth. I am telling you, at this rate I could have 12 more babies just like him. Or maybe not :o)

"I don't know what to think about this new sensation in my mouth"

"More please!"

"Ok, I've decided. I like it!"

"Chomp chomp. Forget the food, I'll just take the spoon!"

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