
Seth is Four Months Old

We are getting lazy with the pictures, I must admit. It is getting to be a chore to pull out our big camera and take snaps of every little progress Seth makes. I say this with shame. I know that years from now I will regret not capturing Seth from every angle and every day.
Seth is four months old now. we can tell a big difference in him: he is starting to take on characteristics of a little boy instead of an infant. When he looks in the mirror and catches a glimpse of himself, he will shyly turn away, then slowly peek at his own reflection again and give himself a sheepish smile. I will sit with him in front of the piano, and amazingly he will start to hit away at the keys (I've already decided he will be a pianist). We also enjoy reading books together. Seth will actually focus on the book and feel it with his fingers, as if he's making up for the fact that he can't read. He will focus on the words and pictures I am pointing to, and has a very interested look on his face. What do you think? Will he read by twelve months? :o)
He is also playing much better with his toys. He will grab a toy and look at it, try to grab it from different sides and even bring it to his mouth. I know that doesn't sound too exciting, but to us parents it's another new step.
Seth loves to smile now, and is just too adorable for words when he does. It is such a pleasure when he's looking around the room, finds Mom's or Dad's face, and break out in a huge smile! There's nothing like it. He's also much more vocal. He will stay awake for longer stretches now, and will be talkative (he's added a few more sounds to his vocabulary). He's a lot better at letting me know he's unhappy without crying. He has also been sleeping very well: he will sleep for 8 hours at night (he started sleeping through the night at 2 1/2 months), and he likes his own crib. He will sit under the mobile and watch it go round and round until he falls asleep. He likes to be swaddled still, but I have a feeling he will soon grow out of it.
As soon as I learn how to post videos I will do so. I mostly wanted to share all these little details so that I can have a record of them. I think I take so many things for granted with Seth, and don't bother capturing them--I know I will miss these little steps as he gets older and wonder why I didn't write about them.

That's all for now. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

GIEJ Long said...

Mi-a facut placere sa citesc istorioara lui Seth. Ce sa zic, eu ma simt si mai rusinata ca nu am facut nici macar cat tine in privinta asta. Am o carte a bebelusului pt el si deabia apuc sa scriu in ea.
Seth e un scump si creste repede, nu vrea sa se lase mai prejos decat Jonathan, vrea sa il prinda din urma. Deabia astept sa il vad din nou. Sper sa ne vedem in iunie.