
Playing with Sassy

Seth has a "doll" named Sassy (I know, that's the brand name, but it works). It's just one of the things we use to keep him entertained. He's taken a real liking to Sassy, and is already starting to nibble at her hands (I wonder how she feels about that). Good thing there are no teeth involved yet.

Here's a yawn,

here's a sneeze,

and here are his other favorite toys: his hands.


Otilia si Stefan said...

Ce pui scump este!!! A crescut asa de repede... Este din ce in ce mai frumos. Suntem foarte tristi ca suntem asa de departe...

Cosmin & Ligia said...

Seth, te-ai facut bebe in toata regula. Nu pot sa cred ca deja esti atat de activ si jucaus! Ce bine ca iti plac si papusile...altii nici nu au pus mana vreo data pe asa ceva. Probabil le raneste orgoliul masculin :)Totusi, noua ne plac mult carucioarele de papusi.

Cosmin & Ligia said...

Wow, trei luni si inca ochi albastri (tot mai albastri parca) !Super super cute!

GIEJ Long said...

Seth, te-ai schimbat asa de mult ca nu ne vine sa credem. Trebuie neaparat sa ne vedem cumva. Esti fff dulce.
Come and see us any time, now it is your turn!
Love you!