
7 months old!

Hmm Mom, I'm kinda bored deciding what outfit to wear. I have a better idea:

How about I learn how to crawl!

Aren't you just so proud of me?

Seth started crawling on his7-month birthday. At first he started slowly, only taking a few "steps" at a time. But pretty soon (after 2 days) he started cruising all over the house. He is very excited about his new-found freedom. He gets into everything within reach (and his reach has just expanded). Mom has to keep a good eye on him. But what makes me so proud of him is that he's already starting to show good character: if I tell him "Seth, no, don't touch the plant!", he will stop and find something else to get into. He is such little munchkin!!

1 comment:

Bunny said...

Wow! That's early to start crawling! You're in for it for sure! He is just adorable. His smile makes me smile.