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At the end of March our family took a trip to Denver. Nick and Rodica had never met little Seth. We all had a wonderful time together, and Grandma and Grandpa (Bunicul si Bunica) fell in love with Seth from the first glimpse.
Seth also met Kent the dog. He even got to ride him! I am not sure Kent was used to the idea of having someone on his back.
While in Denver we met with many friends, and we took a trip into the mountains. We visited Silver Plume, an old mining town in the mountains. We also went skiing, but we didn't take pictures of that trip.
We had a wonderful time in Denver. We are hoping that the parents move out here to Portland, but for now it is nice to be able to go back and visit such a beautiful place.
Ce ne bucuram ca in sfarsit au apucat si bunicii din Denver sa il intalneasca pe Seth! Se vede pe fata lor ce bucurosi si mandrii sunt de nepotul lor. Sper sa vina momentul cand il vor vedea mai des, adica sa locuiti aproape unii de altii.
Hey guys! It was a lot of fun having you in town. We enjoyed it. Just one question, where is our picture?? Just kidding! Seth is adorable and we had fun with him and the both of you while you were in Denver.
Rosie & Steve
Ce frumos este cand e toata familia reunita! Ne bucuram cu totii sa va vedem asa. Va pupam.
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